Патч 7.36 для Dota 2 — полный список изменений на русском ...
В ночь на 23 мая Valve выпустила обновление 7.36 для Dota 2. В новой версии разработчики MOBA изменили характеристики многих предметов и способностей персонажей.
Это обновление вводит две механики, касающиеся каждого героя: врождённые способности и аспекты.
Врождённые способностиУ каждого из героев с самого начала игры есть своя врождённая способностьУвидеть её можно, наведя мышь на новую иконку, которая и на странице героя, и в игре расположена между способностями героя и древом талантовВрождённые способности бывают двух видов:Одни дают постоянный уникальный эффект — например, Faceless Void замедляет вражеские снаряды атак, а Dawnbreaker раскрывает всю карту с восходом солнцаДругие же добавляют обычной способности дополнительный уровень и делают её доступной с самого начала — например, Kunkka сразу имеет способность Tidebringer и может изучить её ещё четыре раза, как обычно. То же самое у Legion Commander и её способности Moment of Courage.АспектыАспекты позволяют выбрать именно тот стиль игры, который лучше подходит вам или конкретной ситуации. У каждого героя есть не менее двух аспектов, и их можно сменить до начала игры, в том числе и на стадии планированияАспекты можно найти на странице героя над его способностями, в игре над иконкой врождённой способности, в таблице счёта, а также на верхней панели (если зажать клавишу Alt)Аспекты невозможно поменять после стадии планирования, и они не раскрываются вражеской команде до начала игрыАспекты могут влиять на героев самыми разными способами, например:Viper может либо добавить мгновенный урон вокруг жертвы Poison Attack, либо стать более живучим в области действия NethertoxinWraith King может либо призывать скелетов, либо наносить атаками дополнительный урон от сглазаLeshrac может либо восстанавливать себе ману атаками, либо ускорить взрывы от способности Diabolic Edict, пожертвовав её уроном постройкамLone Druid может либо усилить эффект от Spirit Link и сделать вампиризм общим, либо сделать способность True Form действующей не на героя, а на его медведяПрочие измененияСтадия планирования будет длиться на 15/10/5 секунд дольше в первую/вторую/третью недели после нумерованного обновленияПерезарядка укрепления построек больше не сбрасывается при первом разрушении башни третьего разрядаПерезарядка укрепления построек теперь сбрасывается при первом разрушении казарм мечниковУвеличение радиуса заклинаний теперь действует на все ауры и на прорубающий уронТеперь при добивании союзного героя опыт за его смерть даётся тому, кто наложил эффект, разрешающий добиваниеТеперь полосы маны всегда видны противникамТеперь эффект фонтана придаёт курьерам максимальную скоростьЕсли в курьере нет предметов, команда «Доставить предметы» отправит его на базуСнижение расхода маны больше не действует на способности, расходующие ману постепенноТеперь дальность применения заклинаний имеет свою иконку и указывается отдельно, рядом с расходом маны и перезарядкойТеперь удержание клавиши Alt отображает радиус обзора всех смотрителейТеперь опыт, полученный благодаря способностям и руна мудрости, отображается в послеигровом меню разбора опыта, доступным подписчикам Dota PlusДобавлен параметр «УЛУЧШАЕТСЯ С:» для способностей, которые улучшаются вместе с другимиТеперь рядом с теми значениями способностей, которые улучшаются с помощью Aghanim's Shard, Aghanim's Scepter, талантов или аспектов, отображаются соответствующие иконкиУправление для наблюдения в прямом эфире и в записи обновлено для соответствия с отвязкой обзораТеперь туман сил Света или Тьмы верно скрывает игроков, чей обзор отвязан от остальных и которых не видноТеперь наблюдение от лица игрока, чей обзор отвязан от других, корректно скрывает существ, которых не видноТеперь отправка сигнала о предметах противников вне видимости не даёт понять, были ли они использованыКоманда -createhero для режима пробы героев поддерживает выбор аспекта: его название или номер нужно написать в конце командыНовая функция в лабораториях Dota: постоянный индикатор дальности. Если зажать клавишу Alt и нажать правой кнопкой мыши на индикатор опыта или дальности атаки (при наведении мыши на атрибуты рядом с портретом), либо способность или предмет, в игре начнёт отображаться соответствующий индикатор дальности. Одновременно может действовать только один индикатор, но он автоматически обновляется, когда радиус или дальность меняются по какой-либо причине.Новая функция в лабораториях Dota: динамический фокус полосы здоровья. Если этот параметр включён, полоса здоровья существа, на которое наведена мышь, будет отображаться поверх других.Добавлена возможность ввести во внутриигровом списке изменений имя героя, чтобы перейти к немуAbility DraftВрождённые способности в режиме Ability Draft действуют следующим образом:
Врождённые способности, которые не отображаются в панели способностей героя, будут автоматически выданы ему при появлении, но их нельзя выбратьУлучшаемые врождённые способности можно выбрать, и они не выдаются автоматическиОстальные врождённые способности недоступны в этом режимеАспекты в режиме Ability Draft действуют следующим образом:Во время стадии планирования вы можете выбрать любой аспект назначенного вам герояАспекты, дарующие дополнительные способности, недоступныАспекты, заменяющие способность, будут действовать, если вы выберете заменяемую ими способностьАспект, не действующий на вашего героя, всё равно можно выбрать — в игре вы увидите, что он не действуетИЗМЕНЕНИЯ ПРЕДМЕТОВROSHAN'S BANNER
Item Reworked. Now grants invulnerability to all allied lane creeps in radiusEffect radius decreased from 750 to 600Creeps lose Banner's effect once they leave the radiusBanner duration decreased from 5 minutes to 2 minutesMelee Hero attacks now deal 2x damage to Roshan's BannerCast range decreased from global to 1200DRAGON LANCE
Can no longer be disassembledETERNAL SHROUD
Recipe cost increased from 800 to 900. Total cost increased from 3600 to 3700ORCHID MALEVOLENCE
Fixed Status Resistance sometimes eliminating Soul Burn's damageBLOODTHORN
Fixed Status Resistance sometimes eliminating Soul Rend's damageMAELSTROM
Chain Lightning Damage decreased from 120 to 110OCTARINE CORE
Бонус к здоровью уменьшен с 625 до 550Бонус к мане уменьшен с 625 до 550SANGE
Recipe cost increased from 550 to 650. Total cost increased from 2000 to 2100No longer provides +20% Status ResistanceNow provides +20% Slow ResistanceYASHA
Recipe cost increased from 550 to 650. Total cost increased from 2000 to 2100KAYA
Recipe cost increased from 550 to 650. Total cost increased from 2000 to 2100HEAVEN'S HALBERD
Recipe cost decreased from 200 to 100. Total cost unchangedNo longer provides +16% Status ResistanceNow provides +20% Slow ResistanceMANTA STYLE
Общая стоимость увеличилась с 4550 до 4650 золотаMETEOR HAMMER
Recipe cost decreased from 400 to 300. Total cost unchangedSANGE AND YASHA
Общая стоимость увеличилась с 4000 до 4200 золотаNow also provides +25% Slow ResistanceYASHA AND KAYA
Общая стоимость увеличилась с 4000 до 4200 золотаNow also provides +25% Cast Speed BonusKAYA AND SANGE
Общая стоимость увеличилась с 4000 до 4200 золотаNo longer provides +25% Status ResistanceNow provides +25% Slow ResistanceNow also provides +25% Mana Cost/Mana Loss ReductionWIND WAKER
Cyclone Cooldown increased from 13s to 16sИЗМЕНЕНИЯ НЕЙТРАЛЬНЫХ ПРЕДМЕТОВOGRE SEAL TOTEM
Ogre Seal Flop now plays a flail animation while hero is jumpingИЗМЕНЕНИЯ ГЕРОЕВABADDON
Базовый урон уменьшен на 6ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upAbaddon has a 10% faster respawn timeСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer silences the target or has an attack counterNow the full effect is applied on the first attack. Each hit resets the durationБонус к скорости атаки уменьшен с 60/80/100/120 до 15/30/45/60Замедление передвижения уменьшено с 15/30/45/60% до 10/15/20/25%Damage per Second decreased from 20/30/40/50 to 10/20/30/40Длительность уменьшена с 4 до 2 секундAghanim's Shard no longer improves slowТАЛАНТЫ
Level 10 Talent Curse of Avernus Movement Slow decreased from +15% to +10%Level 15 Talent Curse of Avernus DPS decreased from +80 to +50Level 25 Talent -1 Curse of Avernus Attacks Required replaced with +80 Curse of Avernus Bonus Attack SpeedALCHEMIST
Базовая скорость атаки увеличена со 100 до 110ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
Remains as an Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer reduces Status Resistance by 3/4/5/6% per stackNow reduces Base Attack Damage by 3/4/5/6% per stackStats are no longer multiplied during Chemical RageCHEMICAL RAGE
Дополнительное восстановление здоровья увеличено с 50/80/110 до 60/90/120ANCIENT APPARITION
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upAncient Apparition's abilities now apply frost stacks that deal 10 damage per second and 1.5% movement slow for each stack on the enemyСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer deals damage on its own. Now applies 2/4/6/8 Death Rime stacks. Stacks are dispelled when leaving the break areaBreak distance increased from 715 to 725/750/775/800Длительность оглушения увеличена с 1,6/2/2,4/2,8 до 1,9/2,2/2,5/2,8 секундыICE VORTEX
No longer deals damage or slows movement speed on its own. Now applies 1/2/3/4 Death Rime stacks to targets in its area of effect. Stacks are dispelled when leaving the AoECHILLING TOUCH
Applies 2 Death Rime stack that lasts for 4 secondsДополнительный урон уменьшен с 40/80/120/160 до 30/60/90/120Расход маны увеличен с 30/40/50/60 до 45/50/55/60ICE BLAST
No longer deals damage over time on its own. Now applies 2 Death Rime stack for the duration of the debuffТАЛАНТЫ
Талант 10 уровня: «+40 к урону в секунду от Cold Feet» заменено на «+2 к числу эффектов мороза от Cold Feet»Level 25 Talent 450 AoE Cold Feet replaced with +50% Death Rime Slow/DamageANTI-MAGE
Now is an Innate ability. Passive, can be leveled up with skill pointsMana Burned per hit rescaled from 25/30/35/40 to 16/23/30/37/44Max Mana Burned per hit rescaled from 1.6/2.4/3.2/4% to 0.8/1.6/2.4/3.2/4%No longer slows the target on full drain by defaultСПОСОБНОСТИ
Расход маны увеличен с 45 до 50COUNTERSPELL
No longer reflects spells by default, only blocks themРасход маны увеличен с 45 до 50COUNTERSPELL ALLY
No longer reflects spells by default, only blocks themРасход маны увеличен с 45 до 50BLINK FRAGMENT
Расход маны увеличен с 45 до 50Charges decreased from 3 to 2Base Charge Restore Time decreased from 25s to 20sТАЛАНТЫ
Талант 10 уровня: «+9 к силе» заменено на «+10% к сопротивлению магии от Counterspell»Level 15 Talent -1s Blink Cooldown replaced with 40% Slow on Fully Mana Drained targets (0.75s)Талант 20 уровня: «+150 к дальности Blink» заменено на «–1 сек. перезарядки Blink»Талант 25 уровня: «+20% к сопротивлению магии от Counterspell» заменено на «+200 к дальности Blink»ARC WARDEN
Ability effects no longer depend on the side Arc Warden plays forВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upUpon activating any rune, gain the Regeneration Rune buff for 4s. Duration is reduced by 34% for activating Bounty or Water RunesСПОСОБНОСТИ
Is now a No Target ability, creating the field centered around its casterNo longer affects buildings and creeps by defaultNow always pushes all enemies away from the bubble when created, even without Aghanim's ShardAghanim's Shard no longer provides Magic ResistanceAghanim's Shard now increases radius by 75 and changes speed of attack projectiles that are inside the bubble: enemy ones are slowed by 75% and allied ones are sped up by 75%TEMPEST DOUBLE
Duration increased from 18/22/26s to 60sDistance Penalty now increases incoming damage by 75% instead of reducing outgoing damage by 50%Cooldown increased from 70/60/50s to 100/90/80sNow restarts the ability cooldown if the Tempest Double is killed by enemiesТАЛАНТЫ
Level 25 Talent +10s Tempest Double Duration replaced with Magnetic Field affects Buildings and CreepsAXE
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upWhenever Axe kills an enemy, he gains +1 permanent armor. Kills with Culling Blade gives 2x that amountСПОСОБНОСТИ
Bonus Armor decreased from 16/19/22/25 to 14/16/18/20Aghanim's Scepter upgrade moved to Aghanim's Shard. Still applies Battle Hunger to all affected units, but doesn't reduce Cooldown anymoreBATTLE HUNGERNow applies immediately after applying and every 0.5s afterAghanim's Scepter no longer provides armor to Axe. Now makes multiple Battle Hunger debuffs stackableCOUNTER HELIX
Aghanim's Shard upgrade moved to Aghanim's Scepter. Damage Reduction per stack increased from 15% to 20%, Max stacks decreased from 6 to 5Aghanim's Scepter now also allows Counter Helix counter to decrease when Axe attacksCULLING BLADE
Bonus armor on kills moved to Innate abilityТАЛАНТЫ
Level 20 Talent +1 Bonus Armor per Culling Blade Stack replaced with +12 Berserker's Call ArmorBANE
Strength gain increased from 2.5 to 2.7Agility gain increased from 2.5 to 2.7Intelligence gain increased from 2.5 to 2.7ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upBane's attribute gains are always evenly distributed across all three attributesСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer grants bonus attack speed by defaultBATRIDER
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upBatrider's attacks apply a debuff that deals 15% of the attack damage every 1s for 2s. Damage over time pierces damage blockСПОСОБНОСТИ
Damage per stack increased from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20Damage to creeps decreased from 50% to 20%Creep penalty now also applies to Application damageFLAMEBREAK
Projectile speed increased from 1400 to 1700FIREFLY
Damage per second decreased from 30/60/90/120 to 25/50/75/100FLAMING LASSO
Total Damage increased from 100/200/300 to 200/350/500BEASTMASTER
Base Agility increased from 18 to 22ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
Now is an Innate ability. Passive, can be leveled up with skill pointsBonus Attack Speed rescaled from 10/22/34/46 to 5/10/25/40/55Now only affects Beastmaster and units under his controlТАЛАНТЫ
Level 10 Talent Wild Axes Damage Amp per stack decreased from +2.5% to +2%Level 10 Talent +30 Damage replaced with 5% Inner Beast Aura Magic ResistLevel 20 Talent +30 Boar and Hawk Damage replaced with +30 Damage to Beastmaster and his unitsLevel 25 Talent -5s Wild Axes Cooldown replaced with No Wild Axes CooldownBLOODSEEKER
Base Movement Speed decreased from 300 to 285ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
New Innate ability. Passive, improves with Bloodseeker's levelWhenever Bloodseeker kills a unit, he restores 25 health + 1% of the unit's max health per Bloodseeker's Level. Restores for half values when denying, or if an ally kills an enemy hero within 300 rangeThis healing is classified as lifesteal, and is amplified by Lifesteal Amplification. Lifesteal from creeps reduced by 40%СПОСОБНОСТИ
Aghanim's Shard Heal/Damage increased from 30 to 35THIRST
No longer has a Max HP threshold and starts at 100%Max Thirst Move Speed decreased from 16/24/32/40% to 10/20/30/40%Healing on kills moved to Innate abilityBLOOD MIST
Now increases healing by Sanguivore instead of ThirstBOUNTY HUNTER
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upWhen getting a kill or assist on an enemy with a kill streak, Bounty Hunter gains 10% extra goldСПОСОБНОСТИ
Damage increased from 100/150/200/250 to 100/170/240/310Mana Cost increased from 50/60/70/80 to 65/70/75/80No longer slows Attack SpeedSHADOW WALK
Mana Cost decreased from 55 to 50TRACK
No longer grants bonus damage to Shuriken TossNo longer provides a critical strike on attacksNow increases all damage taken by the target by 8/14/20%FRIENDLY SHADOW
Mana Cost decreased from 55 to 50ТАЛАНТЫ
Level 25 Talent 2 Shuriken Toss charges replaced with +275 Shuriken Toss DamageBREWMASTER
Now is an Innate ability. Passive, can be leveled up with skill pointsEarth Brawler Armor rescaled from 1/3/5/7 to 1/3/5/7/9Earth Brawler Magic Resistance rescaled from 5/10/15/20% to 4/8/12/16/20%Storm Brawler Evasion rescaled from 15/20/25/30% to 10/15/20/25/30%Storm Brawler Movement Speed rescaled from 5/7/9/11% to 4/6/8/10/12%Fire Brawler Crit Multiplier rescaled from 120/140/160/180% to 120/135/150/165/180%Fire Brawler Attack Speed rescaled from 10/15/20/25 to 10/15/20/25/30Void Brawler Status Resistance rescaled from 5/10/15/20% to 4/8/12/16/20%Void Brawler Slow rescaled from 10/15/20/25% to 5/10/15/20/25%СПОСОБНОСТИ
Damage decreased from 90/160/230/300 to 75/150/225/300Movement Speed Slow rescaled from 25/35/45/55% to 15/30/45/60%Attack Speed Slow rescaled from 25/35/45/55 to 15/30/45/60CINDER BREW
Can now be ignited only from magical and pure damage. Physical damage spells will not ignite the targetPRIMAL SPLIT
Earth Brewling's Demolish Damage decreased from 90/170/250 to 80/140/200Storm Brewling's Cyclone Hero Duration decreased from 5s to 3/4/5sStorm Brewling's Wind Walk Cooldown increased from 5s to 20/14/8sStorm Brewling's Wind Walk Bonus Speed decreased from 50% to 20/30/40%PRIMAL COMPANION
Brewlings no longer have any movement, cooldown or casting penaltiesBRISTLEBACK
Base Damage decreased by 8ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
Now is an Innate ability. Passive, can be leveled up with skill pointsDamage per stack rescaled from 15/20/25 to 5/15/20/25Movement per stack rescaled from 2/3/4% to 0/2/3/4%Stack Duration increased from 8/10/12s to 12/16/18/20sMax Stacks rescaled from 8/10/12 to 4/8/10/12СПОСОБНОСТИ
Aghanim's Shard no longer increases Stack LimitQUILL SPRAY
Quill Stack Damage rescaled from 28/30/32/34 to 30BRISTLEBACK
Aghanim's Scepter Spray interval increased from 0.35s to 0.4sBROODMOTHER
Silken Bola ability replaced with Incapacitating BiteВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upWhenever Broodmother kills a unit, she and all units under her control in a 600 radius receive a fully stackable buff that heals them for 4% of the victim's health each second. Duration: 3sThis healing is classified as lifesteal, and is amplified by Lifesteal Amplification. Lifesteal from creeps reduced by 40%СПОСОБНОСТИ
Movespeed bonus no longer decrease with unit's current HealthNo longer provides Health RegenINCAPACITATING BITE
New basic abilityOn Attack, Broodmother applies a debuff that slows for 15/20/25/30%, gives a 30/40/50/60% miss chance and increases all attack damage received by 2/4/6/8 for 2 secondsSPAWN SPIDERLINGS
Spiderlings now create similar Spiderlings instead of SpideritesNow also slows target by 25/35/45% for 4sSpiderling Health decreased from 320 to 300ТАЛАНТЫ
Level 15 Talent Spiderlings Health decreased from +150 to +125Level 20 Talent 400 Aoe Silken Bola replaced with +10 Incapacitating Bite Attack Damage BonusLevel 25 Talent +35% Silken Bola Slow/Miss Chance replaced with +30% Incapacitating Bite Slow/Miss ChanceCENTAUR WARRUNNER
Base Health Regen decreased from 5 to 4Base Movement Speed decreased from 310 to 305ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upCentaur Warrunner permanently gain +40 max health every 120sСПОСОБНОСТИ
Cooldown increased from 90s to 100/95/90sHITCH A RIDE
Now grants invulnerability to the mounted targetNo longer ends when blinking/teleportingCHAOS KNIGHT
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upWhenever illusions of Chaos Knight are created, there is a 50% chance that an additional 1 illusion will spawnСПОСОБНОСТИ
Max Damage increased from 150/210/270/330 to 150/230/310/390Aghanim's Shard no longer increases cast range by 150Aghanim's Shard illusions deal 30% less damageREALITY RIFT
Cast Point improved from 0.3s to 0.25sPHANTASM
Illusions from this ability are no longer Strong Illusions by defaultТАЛАНТЫ
Level 15 Talent -100% Phantasm Illusion Incoming Damage replaced with +12 StrengthCHEN
New Innate ability. Active, levels up with Holy Persuasion and improves with Chen's levelChen summons a convert to fight for him. The convert gains bonuses from Holy Persuasion, with the exception of Health, which is set to 200 + 80 x Chen's Level. Only one convert can be summoned at a time, and it dies if Chen dies. Mana Cost: 50, Cooldown: 30s. Cooldown starts once the convert dies and automatically refreshes on Chen's respawnWhich creature is summoned is dependent on the chosen FacetСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer has a minimum health thresholdNow dominated creep's health is set to 400 + 50 x Chen's LevelBonus Damage decreased from 4/10/16/22 to 2/7/11/15Move Speed Bonus decreased from 10/20/30/40 to 5/10/20/30Gold bounty for dominating a creep decreased from 100% to 25/50/75/100%Aghanim's Scepter's Martyrdom ability now has a global cast rangeDIVINE FAVORArmor Bonus rescaled from 9/12/15/18 to 5/10/15/20Active Heal Amplification now also affects Health RegenHealing and Regen Amplification decreased from 20% to 5/10/15/20%Now upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Makes Health Regen Aura global and affects all allied unitsHAND OF GOD
Heal over time duration increased from 8s to 10sCLINKZ
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upClinkz' death and some of his abilities can summon immobile Skeleton Archers to attack enemies. Skeletons deal a percentage of Clinkz' attack damage and have his attack range, but deal reduced damage to buildings. Skeletons have a duration of 15/20/25/30s and die after multiple attacks from heroesСПОСОБНОСТИ
Attack Speed Multiplier for Skeletons rescaled from 50/55/60/65% to 60%Mana Cost decreased from 75/80/85/90 to 60/70/80/90DEATH PACT
Cast Range decreased from 900 to 700CLOCKWERK
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upOutgoing damage is increased by 0.3% per point of armorСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer provide a magic damage barrier to alliesPower Cogs are not destroyed by Clockwerk's attacks, and are pushed instead up to 1000 distanceNow destroy trees inside the cogs when castCRYSTAL MAIDEN
Base Mana Regen decreased from 0.5 to 0ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upCrystal Maiden has 50% Mana Regen AmplificationСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer has bonus duration on non-ancient creepsNow deals 4x damage to non-ancient creepsTick Interval increased from 0.2s to 0.25sARCANE AURA
Self bonus factor for Mana Regen removed. Crystal Maiden receives Close Mana Regen bonus which is also amplified by the Innate abilityFREEZING FIELD
No longer grants armorAttack Speed Slow increased from 60 to 80/120/160CRYSTAL CLONE
Now can be aimed where Crystal Maiden will slideDARK SEER
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upDark Seer's Intelligence cannot be lower than either his Strength or Agility. If any of these attributes are higher, he gains Intelligence to match themСПОСОБНОСТИ
Aghanim's Shard Damage per second from Trail increased from 35 to 40ION SHELL
Cast Point improved from 0.4s to 0.2sТАЛАНТЫ
Level 10 Talent Ion Shell Radius increased from +50 to +65DARK WILLOW
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upWhenever a hero ability makes Dark Willow untargetable or hidden she gains +100% Health Regen and +100% Mana Regen while in that stateСПОСОБНОСТИ
Backswing improved from 0.8s to 0.4sCooldown decreased from 18/16/14/12s to 17/15/13/11sTERRORIZE
Radius increased from 400 to 400/450/500ТАЛАНТЫ
Level 15 Talent Cursed Crown AoE decreased from +160 to +150Level 25 Talent +100 Attack Speed replaced with 500 Terrorize Impact DamageDAWNBREAKER
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upWhenever the sun rises, Dawnbreaker gradually reveals the entire map to allies over 4 seconds. Fog of War returns in 1 second after thatСПОСОБНОСТИ
Fixed a bug that prevented Swipe Damage from being applied to creepsSOLAR GUARDIAN
Healing now affects Dawnbreaker herself if she is in the target area of effectCan now be cast when Celestial Hammer is out, forcing the hammer to return when the spell is castDAZZLE
Ability returns as an Innate. Passive, can't be leveled upDazzle's abilities apply Weave to both allies and enemies they affect, increasing allied armor and reducing enemy armor. Multiple instances of this effect stack. Stack Duration: 8s. Armor Change per stack: 1. Each stack has independent durationСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer applies armor gain/loss on its ownТАЛАНТЫ
Level 25 Talent +0.5 Bad Juju Armor Reduction/Increase replaced with +1 Weave Armor Reduction/IncreaseDEATH PROPHET
Ability returns as an Innate. Passive, improves with Death Prophet's levelDeath Prophet's occult knowledge deepens with experience, gaining 0.5% movement speed per level, and reducing cooldown of abilities by 0.5% per levelСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer slows movement speed by defaultEXORCISM
No longer grants passive movement speedТАЛАНТЫ
Level 10 Talent +30 Damage replaced with +40 Attack SpeedLevel 15 Talent Health decreased from +300 to +250Level 20 Talent Spirit Siphon Damage/Heal decreased from +30 to +25Level 20 Talent +15% Silence Move Speed Slow replaced with +50 Crypt Swarm DamageDISRUPTOR
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upWhenever Disruptor takes more than 250 damage from enemies within 400 range, all nearby units are pushed to a 400 unit distance from Disruptor. Cooldown: 4s. Damage counter resets within 7sСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer has any Kinetic Field interactions by defaultAghanim's Shard bonus range decreased from 800 to 400Aghanim's Shard bonus strikes decreased from 2 to 1Aghanim's Shard Duration on the ground decreased from 7s to 5sGLIMPSE
Max Damage rescaled from 125/175/225/275 to 100/160/220/280KINETIC FIELD
Cooldown increased from 20/17/14/11s to 20/18/16/14sТАЛАНТЫ
Level 25 Talent Static Storm Radius decreased from +200 to +150DOOM
Base Damage decreased by 2Base Health Regen increased from 0.25 to 1.25Strength gain increased from 3.7 to 3.8ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upDoom deals 10% bonus attack damage to enemies whose level is lower than hisСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer grants 1/3/5/7 armor for the durationSCORCHED EARTH
Cooldown increased from 35s to 41/39/37/35sТАЛАНТЫ
Level 10 Talent Scorched Earth Damage decreased from +12 to +10Level 15 Talent Scorched Earth Movement Speed decreased from +7% to +5%Level 20 Talent Infernal Blade Max HP as Damage increased from +2% to +2.5%DRAGON KNIGHT
Added new ability Wyrm's Wrath. It replaces Dragon Blood, providing and upgrading Dragon Knight's attack modifiers set by FacetВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
Now is an Innate ability. Passive, improves with Dragon Knight's levelProvides Dragon Knight with +4.5 Health Regen and +2.5 Armor, which are further increased by 0.5 with every hero levelHealth Regen and Armor bonuses are multiplied by 1.5x while in Dragon formСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer applies dragon's attack effectsWYRM'S WRATH
New basic abilityProvides and improves attack modifiers of the chosen Facet for both human and dragon forms. Illusions can't apply Wyrm's Wrath's attack modifiers. Now upgradeable with Aghanim's Scepter. Improves attack modifiers of the chosen FacetELDER DRAGON FORM
No longer changes Dragon type with each level. Now the dragon form depends on a chosen Hero FacetNow increases attack damage by 20/60/100Aghanim's Scepter Black Dragon form no longer increases Magic ResistanceDROW RANGER
Base Movement Speed increased from 300 to 310ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
Ability returns as an Innate. Passive, improves with Drow Ranger's levelGrants bonus Agility to Drow Ranger and allied ranged heroes within 1200 range. Effect starts with 1% of Drow Ranger's current Agility and increases by 1% with each Drow Ranger's level. Bonus is doubled for Drow Ranger herselfСПОСОБНОСТИ
Movement Speed Slow decreased from 10/25/40/55% to 10/20/30/40%GUST
No longer grants bonus Movement SpeedMULTISHOT
No longer has bonus slow duration and instead applies the normal Frost Arrows durationMARKSMANSHIP
Bonus Agility for allies moved to Innate abilityТАЛАНТЫ
Level 10 Talent +15% Gust Self Movement Speed replaced with -3s Gust CooldownLevel 20 Talent -4s Gust Cooldown replaced with 40% Gust Self Movement SpeedLevel 25 Talent Marksmanship Chance decreased from +12% to +10%EARTH SPIRIT
Remains as an Innate ability. Active, improves with Earth Spirit's levelСПОСОБНОСТИ
Remnant Damage increased from 50/100/150/200 to 50/125/200/275Cast Range rescaled from 1100 to 1000/1100/1200/1300MAGNETIZE
Remnant Refresh/Explosion Radius increased from 400 to 600ТАЛАНТЫ
Level 20 Talent Geomagnetic Grip Cooldown Reduction increased from 2s to 3sEARTHSHAKER
Now is an Innate ability. Passive, can be leveled up with skill pointsDamage rescaled from 70/100/130/160 to 35/70/100/130/160Stun Duration rescaled from 1/1.1/1.2/1.3s to 0.5/1/1.1/1.2/1.3sТАЛАНТЫ
Level 25 Talent +200 Aftershock Range replaced with -50% Echo Slam CooldownELDER TITAN
Now is an Innate ability. Active, can be leveled up with skill pointsBonus Speed per hero rescaled from 5/6/7/8% to 4/5/6/7/8%Bonus Damage per creep rescaled from 3/7/11/15 to 3/3/7/11/15Bonus Damage per hero rescaled from 17/38/59/80 to 10/17/38/59/80Bonus Armor per hero rescaled from 1.5/3/4.5/6 to 1/1.5/3/4.5/6Mana Cost rescaled from 80/90/100/110 to 70/80/90/100/110Cooldown rescaled from 23/21/19/17s to 25/23/21/19/17sEMBER SPIRIT
Now is an Innate ability. Active, can be leveled up with skill pointsFlame Guard passively deals 10/15/20/25/30 damage in a 150 radius. Activating it increases damage radius to 500 and increases damage per secondMagical damage barrier rescaled from 60/135/210/285 to 30/60/135/210/285Duration rescaled from 11/14/17/20s to 10/12/14/16/18sActive Damage per second rescaled from 25/35/45/55 to 15/25/35/45/55СПОСОБНОСТИ
Cooldown decreased from 15/12/9/6s to 12/10/8/6sТАЛАНТЫ
Level 15 Talent +50 Flame Guard DPS replaced with +100% Flame Guard DPSLevel 20 Talent +1 Searing Chains Target replaced with +60 Searing Chains DamageENCHANTRESS
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upWhenever Enchantress is about to receive a Neutral Item token from Neutral creep, she gets 1 more, if availableСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer deals damage per second to heroesEnchantress receives 50% of the experience bounty of the enchanted creepEnchanting a Neutral Creep is now guaranteed to drop Neutral Token, if availableCreep Bonus Health decreased from 200/300/400/500 to 150/250/350/450ТАЛАНТЫ
Level 15 Talent +5 Nature's Attendants Wisps replaced with +8 Nature's Attendants HealLevel 20 Talent +30% Enchanted Creep Health/Damage replaced with +150 Health / +25 Damage for Enchanted CreepsLevel 25 Talent +20 Nature's Attendants Heal replaced with +12 Nature's Attendants WispsENIGMA
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upAllies near Enigma have a Damage Reduction bonus that gradually increases with proximity to Enigma. Effect starts with 0% at 500 distance and increases up to 15% at 200 distanceСПОСОБНОСТИ
Mana Cost increased from 50/80/110/140 to 65/90/115/140BLACK HOLE
Aghanim's Scepter Max HP as Damage increased from 3.5% to 4%ТАЛАНТЫ
Level 15 Talent Malefice Instance Damage increased from +35 to +40Level 25 Talent Demonic Summoning Eidolons decreased from +5 to +4FACELESS VOID
Agility gain increased from 3.0 to 3.3ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
New Innate ability. Passive, levels up with ChronosphereEnemy attack projectiles are slowed when they fly near Faceless Void. Affects projectiles even if Faceless Void isn't the target. Projectile Slow: 25/30/35/40%, Radius: 500СПОСОБНОСТИ
Mana Cost increased from 75/80/85/90 to 90GRIMSTROKE
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upAdds an effect to Grimstroke's attacks that causes enemy heroes to leave a trail of ink behind them for 4s, gaining a vision over them but not over their surroundingsСПОСОБНОСТИ
Now applies Ink Trail effect on hitPHANTOM'S EMBRACE
The phantom is no longer disjointable while returning to GrimstrokeINK SWELL
Buff duration decreased from 5s to 3sNo longer can be manually triggered by defaultТАЛАНТЫ
Level 20 Talent +1000 Stroke of Fate Cast Range replaced with +75% Stroke of Fate DamageLevel 25 Talent +75% Stroke of Fate Damage replaced with +70% Stroke of Fate Speed and Travel RangeGYROCOPTER
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upGyrocopter can disassemble most items at all times and sells any Recipe he has for a full costСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer grants Slow ResistanceТАЛАНТЫ
Level 10 Talent +30 Movement Speed during Rocket Barrage replaced with +25% Homing Missile DamageLevel 25 Talent -30s Call Down Cooldown no longer grants global cast rangeHOODWINK
New Innate ability. Passive, levels up with SharpshooterHoodwink passively has a 15/20/25/30% chance to redirect attacks into a tree within 275 units, destroying itСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer provides evasion near treesNo longer increases attack and cast range by defaultТАЛАНТЫ
Level 10 Talent +40% Scurry Evasion When Active replaced with +1s Scurry DurationLevel 25 Talent +135 Bushwhack Radius replaced with Sharpshooter Pierces Debuff ImmunityHUSKAR
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upHuskar doesn't have mana. Mana Cost of Items and Abilities are converted into Health costs, which are considered as Magical Damage and can be reduced with Magic ResistanceСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer disarms enemiesNow silences enemies for 1.5/2/2.5/3s75/100/125/150 Mana Cost replaced with 75/100/125/150 Health CostCast Point increased from 0.2s to 0.5sBURNING SPEAR
Health Cost increased from 3% to 4%BERSERKER'S BLOOD
Max. Magic Resistance increased from 10/15/20/25% to 15/20/25/30%LIFE BREAK
Magic Resistance during the leap increased from 50% to 60%ТАЛАНТЫ
Level 25 Talent Burning Spears Deals Pure Damage replaced with +6s Burning Spear DurationINVOKER
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upWhen Invoker denies a lane creep, he gets 15% of the experienceСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer grants cooldown reductionCOLD SNAP
Cooldown decreased from 20s to 18sGHOST WALK
Cooldown decreased from 35s to 32sTORNADO
Cooldown decreased from 30s to 27sE.M.P.
Cooldown decreased from 30s to 27sALACRITY
Cooldown decreased from 17s to 15sCHAOS METEOR
Cooldown decreased from 55s to 50sSUN STRIKE
Cooldown decreased from 25s to 23sFORGE SPIRIT
Cooldown decreased from 30s to 27sICE WALL
Cooldown decreased from 25s to 23sDEAFENING BLAST
Cooldown decreased from 40s to 36sIO
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upIo's team takes 1s less to channel Watchers. When Watcher is under their control, its vision radius is increased by 300СПОСОБНОСТИ
Damage per second increased from 10/20/30/40 to 15/25/35/45Enemy Move/Attack Slow decreased from 15/25/35/45% to 10/20/30/40%SPIRITS
Creep Collision Damage increased from 10/15/20/25 to 12/18/24/30ТАЛАНТЫ
Level 10 Talent Attack Damage to Tethered Units decreased from +15 to +12Level 15 Talent Tether Movement Speed decreased from +6% to +5%Level 15 Talent Spirits Hero Damage increased from +55 to +60Level 20 Talent Relocate Cooldown Reduction increased from 25s to 30sLevel 25 Talent Attack Tethered Ally's Target now applies a 25% damage penalty on Io's attacksJAKIRO
Turn Rate improved from 0.6 to 0.8ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upJakiro's attack launches two projectiles at the target with a 0.2s interval, but each deals 50% less damage. One of these attacks ignores melee heroes' default damage block. This penalty affects bonus damage as wellСПОСОБНОСТИ
Cast Range increased from 750 to 850ICE PATH
Cast Range decreased from 1200 to 1100Formation Delay decreased from 0.5s to 0.2sMACROPYRE
Width decreased from 520 to 500Mana Cost increased from 230/340/450 to 300/400/500Cooldown increased from 80/70/60s to 90/80/70sТАЛАНТЫ
Level 15 Talent +325 Health replaced with -1.5s Ice Path CooldownLevel 20 Talent Macropyre Damage decreased from +25 to +20JUGGERNAUT
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upJuggernaut deals 10% more damage to targets that are facing him. Damage bonus is always applied during OmnislashСПОСОБНОСТИ
Now applies a strong dispel when it endsBLADE DANCE
Critical Chance increased from 20/25/30/35% to 35%Critical Damage decreased from 190% to 130/150/170/190%OMNISLASH
Bonus Damage decreased from 40/45/50 to 30/35/40KEEPER OF THE LIGHT
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upAllies within 900 range of Keeper of the Light have 15% more max manaСПОСОБНОСТИ
Aghanim's Shard now increases Spirit Form Illuminate heal by 30%WILL-O-WISP
Mana Cost decreased from 250 to 150ТАЛАНТЫ
Level 15 Talent 2 Solar Bind Charges replaced with -5s Blinding Light CooldownLevel 20 Talent +1.5s Solar Bind Stun when target is fully slowed replaced with +200 Chakra Magic ManaKUNKKA
Strength gain decreased from 3.8 to 3.6ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
Now is an Innate ability. Passive, can be leveled up with skill pointsCleave Range rescaled from 650/800/950/1100 to 500/650/800/950/1100Damage Bonus rescaled from 30/60/90/120 to 10/30/60/90/120Cooldown rescaled from 13/10/7/4s to 16/13/10/7/4sAttacks by illusions can now put Tidebringer on cooldown (they still cannot trigger Tidebringer)СПОСОБНОСТИ
Stun Duration decreased from 1.6 to 1.4sX MARKS THE SPOT
Enemy Delay decreased from 4s to 3sAllied Delay decreased from 8s to 6sТАЛАНТЫ
Level 15 Talent Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration decreased from +25% to 20%Level 15 Talent +45 Damage replaced with +60 Tidebringer DamageLevel 20 Talent +70% Tidebringer Cleave replaced with +15% Rum Damage DelayLevel 25 Talent -2s Tidebringer Cooldown replaced with +100% Tidebringer Cleave DamageLEGION COMMANDER
Now is an Innate ability. Passive, can be leveled up with skill pointsLifesteal rescaled from 55/65/75/85% to 40/60/70/80/90%Cooldown rescaled from 1.9/1.5/1.1/0.7s to 2.3/1.9/1.5/1.1/0.7sСПОСОБНОСТИ
Base Damage increased from 35/65/95/125 to 40/70/100/130Damage per hero increased from 35/65/95/125 to 40/70/100/130No longer deals 25% bonus damage to illusionsBuff Duration increased from 5s to 6sCooldown increased from 15s to 18sDUEL
Aghanim's Scepter no longer provides Duel damage reduction. Now it provides Legion Commander with Debuff Immunity for the duration of the DuelDuration with Aghanim's Scepter increased from 5.5/6.5/7.5s to 6.25/6.75/7.5sТАЛАНТЫ
Level 10 Talent Press The Attack Movement Speed increased from +8% to +10%Level 15 Talent Press The Attack HP Regen increased from +30 to +40Level 20 Talent AoE Press The Attack increased from 250 to 300Level 25 Talent Moment of Courage Lifesteal increased from +50% to +75%LESHRAC
Base Agility decreased from 23 to 17Agility gain decreased from 2.8 to 2.5Base Armor increased by 1ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upArea of Effect for Leshrac's spells increases by 0.5 for each point of IntelligenceСПОСОБНОСТИ
Radius decreased from 150/180/210/240 to 135/160/185/210DIABOLIC EDICT
Radius decreased from 500 to 450LIGHTNING STORM
Lightning Jump Radius decreased from 475 to 450PULSE NOVA
Radius decreased from 525 to 500ТАЛАНТЫ
Level 10 Talent +40 Split Earth Radius replaced with +4 ArmorLevel 15 Talent Lightning Storm Damage decreased from +100 to +80Level 20 Talent Pulse Nova Damage decreased from +35 to +30Level 25 Talent Diabolic Edict Explosions decreased from +25 to +20LICH
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upLich's max mana regeneration is 0. Whenever any unit dies nearby, Lich restores a portion of his Max Mana. Dying heroes restore a bigger portion. Works with deaths of both allies, enemies, and neutrals. Lich can regenerate mana only under effect of a Fountain. Radius: 1200, Max Mana Restored (Creep): 2.5%, Max Mana Restored (Hero): 15%СПОСОБНОСТИ
Cast backswing improved from 0.93s to 0.4sFROST SHIELD
Cast backswing improved from 0.93s to 0.4sSINISTER GAZE
No longer requires Aghanim's Scepter to use other abilities while channeling Sinister GazeLIFESTEALER
Base Damage decreased by 6Base Attack Speed decreased from 120 to 100Agility gain decreased from 2.6 to 1.9ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
Now is an Innate ability. Passive, levels up with InfestNow also allows hitting allied creeps at 75% health compared to default 50%Max Health Damage decreased from 1.6/2.2/2.8/3.4% to 1.25/1.75/2.25/2.75%Max Health Lifesteal increased from 1/1.3/1.6/1.9% to 1.25/1.75/2.25/2.75%СПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer grants movement speed on activeMana Cost rescaled from 75/100/125/150 to 80/100/120/140OPEN WOUNDS
Is now a basic abilityNo longer grants bonus damage based on the enemy's Max HealthNo longer spreadsLifesteal decreased from 50% to 20/30/40/50%Cooldown increased from 15s to 30/25/20/15sCast Range decreased from 600 to 300/400/500/600GHOUL FRENZY
No longer applies 15/20/25/30% Movement SlowNow passively grants 2/4/6/8% Movement Speed Bonus to LifestealerBonus Attack Speed increased from 25/40/55/70 to 30/50/70/90INFEST
Now upgradable by Aghanim's ShardExplosion applies a 50% duration Open Wounds to all damaged enemiesТАЛАНТЫ
Level 10 Talent +12% Rage Movement Speed replaced with +3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement SpeedLevel 15 Talent +30 Damage replaced with +50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack SpeedLevel 15 Talent +350 Health replaced with +15% Open Wounds SlowLevel 20 Talent +15% Ghoul Frenzy Slow replaced with +25% Open Wounds LifestealLINA
Now is an Innate ability. Passive, can be leveled up with skill pointsAttack Speed Bonus per stack rescaled from 8/16/24/32 to 4/8/16/24/32Move Speed Bonus per stack rescaled from 1/1.5/2/2.5% to 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5%СПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer applies damage over time by defaultDamage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 85/165/245/325Mana Cost decreased from 100/115/130/145 to 100/110/120/130Cast Point improved from 0.45s to 0.35sLAGUNA BLADE
No longer supercharges Lina by defaultCast Point improved from 0.45s to 0.3sCast backswing improved from 0.7s to 0.4sТАЛАНТЫ
Level 15 Talent +325 Health replaced with 5% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per StackLevel 20 Talent +5 Laguna Blade Supercharge Stacks replaced with -25s Laguna Blade CooldownLevel 25 Talent -25s Laguna Blade Cooldown replaced with 125% Laguna Blade Damage into barrierLION
Strength gain increased from 2.2 to 2.4Agility gain increased from 1.5 to 1.7ВРОЖДЁННАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upLion gains 20% debuff duration and 20% spell amplification for 90s after respawningСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer deals damage by defaultТАЛАНТЫ
Level 25 Talent +100% Mana Drain Damage replaced with +600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceLONE DRUID
Now is an Innate ability. Active, can be leveled up with skill pointsBear Base Health rescaled from 1100/1400/1700/2000 to 800/1100/1400/1700/2000Bear Base Health Regen rescaled from 5/6/7/8 to 4/5/6/7/8Bear Base Attack Time rescaled from 1.75/1.65/1.55/1.45s to 1.85/1.75/1.65/1.55/1.45sBear Base Armor rescaled from 0/2/4/6 to 0/0/2/4/6Bear Base Movespeed rescaled from 300/330/360/390 to 300/300/330/360/390Cooldown rescaled from 150/140/130/120s to 160/150/140/130/120sSpirit Bear now has a minimap iconТАЛАНТЫ
Level 20 Talent +1000 Spirit Bear and True Form HP replaced with +30 Entangling Claws DamageLevel 25 Talent 0s Entangling Claws Cooldown replaced with +45 Spirit Link Attack SpeedLevel 25 Talent -0.1 Spirit Bear Base Attack Time replaced with +150 Savage Roar RadiusLUNA
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upLuna has 20% bonus cast range at nightСПОСОБНОСТИ
Bounces decreased from 3/4/5/6 to 2/3/4/5Now can be activated without Aghanim's Shard. Damage on Collision is 20% of Luna's attack. Glaives Count decreased from 4 to 3. Duration is unchanged: 7s. Mana Cost increased from 25 to 75. Cooldown increased from 25s to 30sAghanim's Shard now increases rotating glaive count by 1 and damage on collision by 20%LUNAR BLESSING
Night Vision increased from 250/500/750/1000 to 400/600/800/1000ТАЛАНТЫ
Level 10 Talent Lucent Beam Ministun increased from +0.3s to +0.4sLevel 15 Talent Eclipse Cooldown Reduction increased from 30s to 40sLevel 15 Talent -2s Lucent Beam Cooldown replaced with +80 Lucent Beam DamageLevel 20 Talent +100 Lucent Beam Damage replaced with -2s Lucent Beam CooldownLevel 25 Talent 0.25s Eclipse Ministun replaced with Lucent Beam Hits additional Target (within 500 radius)LYCAN
New Innate ability. Passive, improves with Lycan's levelLycan deals 2% extra damage to neutral creeps per hero levelСПОСОБНОСТИ
No longer fears non-hero controlled unitsSHAPESHIFT
No longer applies its movement speed and critical strike bonuses to units under Lycan's control by defaultWOLF BITE
Lifesteal increased from 30% to 40%Lifesteal now has a 40% penalty against creepsCooldown decreased from 125/110/95s to 110/100/90sТАЛАНТЫ
Level 10 Talent Howl Armor Reduction increased from +2 to +3Level 15 Talent Summon Wolves Health increased from +300 to +350MAGNUS
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upMagnus suffers 50% less forced movement from enemy's abilities/itemsСПОСОБНОСТИ
Slow Duration rescaled from 0.9s to 0.7/0.8/0.9/1.0sProjectile Speed increased from 900 to 1200Aghanim's Shard Projectile Speed Bonus increased from 300 to 400EMPOWER
Duration rescaled from 35s to 30/33/36/39sSKEWER
No longer slows enemy attack speed by 10/20/30/40No longer deals 6/9/12/15% of the distance as damageREVERSE POLARITY
Damage increased from 75/150/225 to 100/200/300HORN TOSS
Damage increased from 275 to 300Mana Cost decreased from 125 to 100MARCI
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled upPermanently increases the level of all allied couriers by 3 and hero attacks to kill by 1This means Marci's team starts with flying couriersСПОСОБНОСТИ
Mana Cost rescaled from 75/80/85/90 to 80REBOUND
No longer has a minimum jump distanceUNLEASH
Strikes per Fury rescaled from 4/5/6 to 5
Level 15 Talent Dispose Damage increased from +90 to +100Level 20 Talent Unleash Movement Speed decreased from +15% to +12%Level 25 Talent +350 Dispose